

The Use of Vevo 2100 Imaging System

Vevo® 2100 is the fourth-generation digital imaging system that was developed by VisualSonics in the year 2008. This can be called as the world's first transducer system that was developed for pre-clinical imaging, which produces high quality images. It was designed with a number of characteristics that uses digital imaging and is very fast compared to the previous models - Vevo 770, the Vevo 660 and VS40. The Vevo® 2100 system can be treated as a great innovation in the field of digital imaging.

The frame rates in this model are improved to 300-400 frames per second in normal field of view and up to 1000 frames per second in narrow view. Other than this, there were a number of software improvements in this model, such as - Color Doppler mode, VevoStrain software, cancer imaging functionality, ECG-Gated Acquisition, digital-RF functionality etc.

The solid-state transducer in Vevo® 2100 system produces high resolution images with a feature of expandable and flexible imaging. This imaging system is also capable of exporting data sets in different formats that can be used in longitudinal analysis and study management. The most unique feature of this system is - one can view the images simultaneously side by side and analyze them on a computer, even in offline mode. The images can be exported in various formats like - TIFF, BMP, MS Video, DICOM and Uncompresses AVI. The work done on this system can be saved on different devices like - external/internal hard disk, compact disks or on the network.

One can find a heap of imaging options available in this latest model. Some of the imaging options include - Supeer B-Mode for anatomical visualization of image, M-Mode for visualization of wall motion, Anatomical M-Mode for adjusting the anatomical orientation, Pulsed-wave Doppler Mode for measuring the flow of blood, power Doppler mode for measuring the flow of blood in small vessels, Tissue Doppler Mode for measuring the tissue movements, 3D-Mode Imaging, Digital RF mode for converting the RF data in digital format.

The solid-state transducer in Vevo® 2100 system produces high resolution images with a feature of expandable and flexible imaging.

If you are interested to learn more about Vevo® 2100 system the first high-frequency, high-resolution digital imaging platform with linear array technology and Color Doppler Mode you can visit

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