

Can Weight Loss Cut Breast Cancer Risk

Her works are also notified as she is a member of the Public health Science Division. The study towards breast cancer therapy can have more focus with this theory.

Breast cancer diagnosis and research

The results due to the study at the research center showed that even a 5 % loss in weight reduces the risk to at least half. Women who were not on hormone replacement were studied here. The connection of estrogen along with body fat was looked into and it was indicated that obesity played a huge role in increasing the risk towards breast cancer.

Pertaining to the age group of 50-70 years, ladies in Seattle were studied upon and they were classified into groups of four. That includes people who went for diet, others who dieted as well as exercised, some who did not believe in any weight loss and others who loved brisk walking. The result was that people who lost weight with diet only as well as diet and exercise program lowered their risk by 10% towards breast cancer.

The blood levels on sex hormones were studied with diet and exercise. The following parameters were also included:

1. The main forms of estrogen were studied e.g.estrone, free estradiol and estradiol.

2. The Testosterone was taken into consideration as Total and free

3. An influencing steroid androstenedione known to produce sex hormones and SHBG protein that increases the biological hormonal activity was also studied.

Weight loss was seen in ladies who combined diet and exercise:

1. The estrone lowered to 9.6% with only diet and 11.11 as per diet-exercise.

2. The estradiol lowered to 16.2% with only diet and 20.3 as per diet-exercise.

3. The free estradiol lowered 21.4 % with only diet and 26 % as per diet-exercise.

4. The SHBG levels improved 22.4 % with only diet and 25.8 % as per diet-exercise.

5. Free testosterone levels lowered 10 % with diet and 15.6 % as per diet -exercise.

A diet and exercise program was essentially good for women. It decreased the estrogen growth and was beneficial for retaining bone and muscle mass. Intake of fruits, fibers and vegetables promotes good health, lowers the blood estrogen levels, and is certainly good for a better lifestyle.

Anti breast cancer prevention drugs were taken by several obese women and it has side effects too. The drugs like raloxifen, exemestane and tamoxifen are not valid beyond 5 years. After a detailed study, DrMcTierman considers a proper diet program along with weight loss to have a better health and decline the risk of breast cancer in post menopausal women.

Through his articles, youngrinpeter wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer therapy which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For Treatment log on to breast cancer doctor

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