Surviving breast cancer can leave just as many emotional scars as physical scars, especially for those needing a mastectomy. One way that women can help with self-image is to consider breast reconstruction surgery to return them to a more familiar appearance from before their cancer treatment. There is a huge variety of techniques available for this sort of cosmetic breast surgery, so whatever a woman's individual circumstance, one is sure to offer what she needs.
There are two basic types of plastic surgery for reconstructing a woman's breasts: implants and tissue flap procedures. Implants are what most people think of when discussions turn to this sort of plastic surgery and use the same type of implants as other breast augmentation procedures. It may be possible to have reconstruction done at the same time as your mastectomy. Your general surgeon will remove the diseased breast tissue and then a plastic surgeon will then put the implant in the space created by the removal. This is called a one-stage immediate breast reconstruction. A two-stage reconstruction or two-stage delayed reconstruction is more often done, however. If your skin and chest wall muscles are tight, a tissue expander is put under the skin. A saline solution is injected regularly into this balloon-like device that gently stretches the skin over a period of 4 to 6 months. An implant is then placed into the created space from the expander. This is the best option for those who will need radiation therapy because it can be started whenever radiation treatment is over. Implants used for reconstruction carry all the same considerations as they do for simple breast augmentation as well. Your plastic surgeon will go over these with you.
Tissue flap procedures use your body's own tissue to reconstruct the breast. Donor tissue may be taken from the tummy, buttocks, back or thighs and moved to the chest to create a new breast. The two most common are the transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap which takes tissue from the lower tummy and the latissimus dorsi flap which uses back tissue. Because donor tissue from your own body is used, these surgeries will have two surgical sites and scars and women with certain additional health considerations like diabetes are not good candidates for this type of reconstruction since it needs healthy blood vessels to maintain the moved tissue's blood supply.
For tissue flap cosmetic breast surgery, a few more considerations need to be discussed with your plastic surgeon. Microsurgery is required with some forms of tissue flap procedures to ensure healthy blood supply to the reconstructed breast. If muscle is moved along with fat and skin, there could be localized weakness in the donor area afterwards. Implants may or may not also be used with tissue flap surgery to help fill out the breast shape.
Only a qualified plastic surgeon can tell you what options are available in your area and what may work best for you. The important thing to remember is that there are options out there to help you feel more like your old self again.

If you plan to get breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, you should know how to prepare. Find out why you cannot expect perfect results weeks after your operation, and learn what you can expect from this surgery.
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