Cry really hard and scream as loud as you can.
Nothing is wrong with crying and shouting. You have just been told that you've got cancer. It is just normal to feel frustrated and ask yourself why it occurred. But never make yourself a loser. Even with your position, you can still come out the winner by trying your very best to check out the brighter side like knowing people who love you truly and becoming a stronger person.
Get details about your cancer.
Getting yourself well-informed will help considerably on how you should handle cancer diagnosis. Ask about the type of cancer you have and what stage it is. Inquire if it has spread already and if treatment solution is still likely and what are your chances for survival. Likewise, know which treatments work for your condition, how these will manage to benefit you and which tests and procedures may take place. It is also easier to get info on the side effects that you may possibly experience to help you prepare for them. Furthermore, ask if your children and other family members are likely to have this cancer as well.
Connect with people who have similar health issue.
Building relationships to individuals who also have problems with the same disease is one more way on how to manage cancer diagnosis. Look for community groups and find out their experiences and how they cope with cancer. Ask them what you should be expecting from your illness. Being aware what changes will occur may give you less pressure.
Your loved ones want to care; allow them.
Do not think that because your family and friends want to do things for you (like serve you food, massage you, or run errands for you) you are already weak. Never take it against them because it is their way of showing their support. It is as if letting you know that they will be with you in your process. Recognize their display of love, receive gifts, allow prayers, as well as anything that will give you motivation and promote positivity. You need these. Speak with your loved ones whenever you feel down and they will do everything to lift your spirits.
Follow the treatment solution.
Your oncologist will design a treatment program for you. Its success will also count on you because when you say healthcare team, it includes you. It highly requires your involvement. When you have doubts or worries on your mind, tell your doctor. He will do everything to remove those. Your honesty is a sign that somehow you are beginning to show your trust.
Figuring out how to manage cancer diagnosis should be your first goal. This makes things less stressful.

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