Diabetes is a serious disease affecting more and more people. The elderly are particularly affected, but younger and younger people are also being diagnosed.
You are here to learn how to cure diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is the more common variety, especially affecting older people with weight and health problems. So it is to be expected that this will be cured or prevented with weight loss, at least to some extent.
Type 1 diabetes, however is a very different story. This can affect even the very young and the very slim. It is medically considered to be hereditary and incurable. Medically, those suffering with type 1 diabetes are told they will have to take medication every day for the rest of their life. But do they?
Weight loss is an admirable goal to set if you carry excess weight. Too much weight lowers your immunity, your energy, your activity, your self confidence, your general health, to mention only a few related problems.
However, many diets can make you more unhealthy. They focus entirely on losing weight assuming that this alone will make you more healthy. To some extent they are right, as loss of weight does reduce the strain on the body, especially the heart.
But this is by no means the end of the story. Learn more about how to cure diabetes by reading on...
Diets shouldn't just target weight loss. Diet should be focused on your whole health. If the diet is focussed on your health, rather than the weight loss, then the spin off, the effect, is that you become healthier. Greater health means you can completely recover from ailments, including both types of diabetes.
By learning how to cure diabetes, also means you learn the cause of the diabetes. Medication only treats the effect of the problem, never the cause. In many cases, the diet is the cause. Change the diet and the problem is cured.
Healthy eating may not be the fastest way to lose weight, but if you are serious about your long term health, then this is an area you cannot dismiss. And eating healthy does answer how to cure diabetes. It provides the reasons why and the methods of how.
Your long term health as well as your long term weight matter. You are in control at all times, adapting the diet to suit your individuality, needs and preferences.
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