Basics to Know about Advanced Prostate Cancer in Brooklyn (Christina Romanio)
Treating Cancer Effectively Means Treating The Body Instead of Just The Growths By Alan Wighton

There are reasons why we get cancer but none of our treatments deal with these reasons. To treat cancer effectively you need to understand what the disease is and why it appeared in the first place and when you learn that, you will realize that just removing growths seldom work long term. The only way to remove cancer permanently is when someone deals with the reasons why it first grew because if you don?t it will only come back again in some other area.
Because of the many misconceptions associated with cancer we all believe it is an isolated problem but cancer is always a problem with the entire body and the growth itself is telling you that something is wrong with the body. That?s why you need to treat the whole body and the only way to do that is to find the reasons why the cancer first grew and remove those reasons. When you do that the body will heal itself through the immune system.
Cancer is rarely a genetic problem and the majority of cancers appear because of environmental factors such as the wrong food we are eating and other lifestyle ways we are now living. Of course the treatments today involve poisoning or burning rapidly growing cells which are cancer cells but they also destroy rapidly growing healthy cells as well. Also the side effect of radiation and chemotherapy is more cancer at some later stage and you won?t be told that.
You may wonder why we have radiation and chemotherapy which damages the body but that is in line with all of our drug based medicine. Today we only have a medical care system which is profit driven and that is why our drugs are synthetic or artificial which then becomes profitable. Our treatments for cancer today are all money orientated treatments and harm the body and the reasons why so many people are dying is because these treatments are only a short term solution.
Because of the control of the cancer industry doctors are only allowed to use the three treatments that are in place. They are not taught or don?t know any other way to treat cancer. The disease today is well understood; all the causes are known so the only approach to beat the disease so it doesn?t come back is to make important changes to your diet and lifestyle which then corrects the reasons why it first appeared.
There is little doubt that the skyrocketing cancer rate now days is a direct result of an unhealthy lifestyle and if people really knew the truth about it, would they subject themselves to those ineffective treatments. It?s because of our blind faith in our medical care system, that we summit to these treatments believing there is no other way.
There is most definitely other ways to win with cancer but someone needs to take charge of their health and learn about these ways to heal the body. Cancer is seldom cured by just treating it but it can be cured with changes through knowledge.
Can Weight Loss Cut Breast Cancer Risk
Her works are also notified as she is a member of the Public health Science Division. The study towards breast cancer therapy can have more focus with this theory.
Breast cancer diagnosis and research
The results due to the study at the research center showed that even a 5 % loss in weight reduces the risk to at least half. Women who were not on hormone replacement were studied here. The connection of estrogen along with body fat was looked into and it was indicated that obesity played a huge role in increasing the risk towards breast cancer.
Pertaining to the age group of 50-70 years, ladies in Seattle were studied upon and they were classified into groups of four. That includes people who went for diet, others who dieted as well as exercised, some who did not believe in any weight loss and others who loved brisk walking. The result was that people who lost weight with diet only as well as diet and exercise program lowered their risk by 10% towards breast cancer.
The blood levels on sex hormones were studied with diet and exercise. The following parameters were also included:
1. The main forms of estrogen were studied e.g.estrone, free estradiol and estradiol.
2. The Testosterone was taken into consideration as Total and free
3. An influencing steroid androstenedione known to produce sex hormones and SHBG protein that increases the biological hormonal activity was also studied.
Weight loss was seen in ladies who combined diet and exercise:
1. The estrone lowered to 9.6% with only diet and 11.11 as per diet-exercise.
2. The estradiol lowered to 16.2% with only diet and 20.3 as per diet-exercise.
3. The free estradiol lowered 21.4 % with only diet and 26 % as per diet-exercise.
4. The SHBG levels improved 22.4 % with only diet and 25.8 % as per diet-exercise.
5. Free testosterone levels lowered 10 % with diet and 15.6 % as per diet -exercise.
A diet and exercise program was essentially good for women. It decreased the estrogen growth and was beneficial for retaining bone and muscle mass. Intake of fruits, fibers and vegetables promotes good health, lowers the blood estrogen levels, and is certainly good for a better lifestyle.
Anti breast cancer prevention drugs were taken by several obese women and it has side effects too. The drugs like raloxifen, exemestane and tamoxifen are not valid beyond 5 years. After a detailed study, DrMcTierman considers a proper diet program along with weight loss to have a better health and decline the risk of breast cancer in post menopausal women.
Through his articles, youngrinpeter wishes to inform and educate the readers about breast cancer therapy which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For Treatment log on to breast cancer doctorChoose Your Cover: Finding Effective Sun Protection
With all of us feverishly trying to keep up with the latest fads Hollywood exports, finally there is a fashion tip that will truly enhance our lives.
Recently, Tom Cruise's former sidekick Nicole Kidman was quoted by the Associated Press as saying: "I wish that I hadn't been born with red hair and fair skin" as she is concerned about the amount sun exposure and its direct link to an increased risk for skin cancer. She should know, too. After all, she hails from Australia where skin cancer is an exploding epidemic.
Subsequently, Australia is the leading the world in heightening the quality of skin cancer prevention education and proactive sun safety behavior. Truth be told, skin cancer is the world's most common cancer. Americans are no exception to the rule either! Every hour someone in the United States dies from skin cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology ( Perhaps, Kidman's example will encourage the propagation of a new fashion wave - sun protective clothing (
Whereas, sun protective clothing (also known as ultraviolet radiation protective clothing; or "UVR") is widely used in Australia, Europe, and South Africa, it is still relatively unknown here in the U.S. Sun protective clothing, however, is a highly effective option for individuals to protect themselves from the harmful affects of UV-rays all day, every day.
If you consider that the average white 100% cotton t-shirt is equivalent to only a SPF 6 (which provides about 14% worth of sun protection), clearly there is a need for light-weight, functional, stylish, economical, clothing that also provides exceptional protection from over-exposure to the sun.
On the other hand, sun protective clothing blocks out more than 97.5% of UV rays (which is an equivalent to a SPF 30 sunscreen). This is considered by the Skin Cancer Foundation to be "the best of the best" as it were when it comes to effective sun protection. If you consider that a SPF 20 sunscreen is allowing only five out of every 100 UV protons to reach your skin; it is 95% protective, than sun protective clothing is quite simply the most revolutionary new product available on the market today for those looking for a viable, yet extremely effective, way to protect themselves and their loved ones from sun damage.
Dermatologist-oncologist, Sancy A. Leachman of the Tom C. Mathews Jr. Familial Melanoma Research Clinic at The Huntsman Cancer Institute ( recommends that everyone use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 for daily, year-round use; SPF 30 is recommended if we are outdoors between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. when UV rays are most intense.
SPF 30 sunscreen is also highly recommended for those of us who possess multiple risk factors for skin cancer such as blonde or red hair, blue or green eyes, fair or sensitive skin, many atypical moles, and even family history of skin cancer - like Nicole Kidman. Wearing sun protective clothing, coupled with proper year-round use of sunscreens, is the quite simply the best protection available, Sancy says. And her colleagues in the field of dermatological medicine agree.
"Appropriate sun apparel should offer effective protection against both short term and long term photo damage [such as wrinkling, skin cancer, and even cataracts]," says Dr. J.M. Mentor, who also teaches dermatology at the Morehouse School of Medicine ( In other words, effective sun safety apparel ought to protect against both UV-B and UV-A rays, and sun protective products such as those specially manufactured by Stingray in Australia, do exactly that.
Stingray is the original sun protection clothing company to specialize in UV protection swimwear and daily attire for children and adults. "As a result of listening to the needs of our many customers, we are able to deliver products that take the 'sting out of the sun's rays,'" says Wendy Lister, Managing Director of Stingray. "[People] are now getting the best possible UV protection." Those living at high altitudes or near the equator, have the highest risk in for skin cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Glen and Liisa Tomson, both natives of South Africa, know first-hand the devastating toll sun damage can take on our health. As such, they have recently partnered up with The Cancer Crusaders Organization ( in a five-year international skin cancer prevention education campaign called "Only Skin Deep?" This program aims to actively engage parents and young adults in the fight against the world's most common, yet preventable, cancer.
"We see a great and pressing need for increased awareness and education here in the U.S.," says Glen Tomson. "Too many times my wife and I will be at the pool, and see all these children running around sun burnt. Often, we'll offer shade [clothing] and sunscreen to the parents so they can better protect their children." Glen and Liisa, in addition to being entrepreneurs and experts, are parents and realize the importance of instilling the practice of sunscreen usage and the wearing of sun protective clothing at a young age so as to develop a lifelong habit of sun safety behavior.
In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology reports that sustaining just one severe "blistering" sunburn before age 18 increases one's likeliness of a future skin cancer diagnosis by an estimated 60%. In other words, 80% of one's lifetime skin damage occurs in the first 18 years of life. This is of particular concern the mountain states where high elevation exposes us to more intense UV irradiation.
Dr. Leachman illustrates it best by saying, "Someone standing on the summit of Mt. Timpanogos [Utah] will burn 66-to-77 times faster than someone standing on a beach in Los Angeles [California]." Lechman adds, "Skin cancer incidence is increasing at an alarming rate here in the United States, so it is important that we all take proper precautions to protect ourselves."
The AAD solidifies Leachman's remarks, reporting 1.3-million Americans will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer this year. The risk is real," Leachman says. "There is a real need for people to take necessary precautions and to teach patients how to advocate for themselves (in reducing their risk for skin cancer)."
Author Bio
Danielle M. White, CEO of, offers a FREE newsletter including proper use of sun protective clothing & other sun protection products.
Article Source: - Free Website Content
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Only Skin Deep? How to Maximize Sunscreen Efficacy
Ladies, if you could equip your friends and family with an invisible "bulletproof vest" that would protect them from any unseen dangers, you would do it in a heartbeat. Having a secure way of ensuring your loved ones' safety all day, every day, would definitely make your job easier. And what if I told you that your search for this invisible, yet effective "bulletproof vest" is merely a mouse click away? That lifesaving product is called sunscreen.
Sunscreen, when used properly, works much akin to a thin and almost invisible bulletproof vest that contains organic molecules that absorb, scatter, and reflect UV rays, thus protecting you from a silent killer called the sun. Over-exposure to UV rays means a significantly increased risk for skin cancer, which is the world's most commonly diagnosed cancer.
In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, someone in the United States dies every hour from melanoma-the deadliest form of skin cancer. Yet, 90% of skin cancers are preventable if we are proactive about properly protecting ourselves from over-exposure to UV-rays from the sun. Among the simplest, most effective preventative measures we can take is by properly and regularly applying sunscreen.
Two decades ago, sunscreen was relatively unheard of, whereas today it has become apart of our common jargon. Heightened awareness of skin cancer and the importance of sunscreen, even sun protective clothing have, in ways, only further confused us and perhaps even caused us to ignore the warnings.
Have you ever wondered why there have been occasions when you slapped on a pound of sunscreen before hitting the lake only to return home burnt to a crisp? The problem is, we are told to use sunscreen but we aren't instructed on how to properly apply it; to maximize its efficacy.
Unlike a bulletproof vest, however, sunscreen must be re-applied in order for it to properly provide protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Consider the 30-20-2 rule: Apply a SPF 15+ sunscreen to your skin at least 30-minutes prior to going outdoors (even on cloudy days), then reapply within the first 20-minutes of being outside to reinforce the protective barrier the sunscreen provides, and then apply sunscreen consistently in two hour intervals. For children under 18, sunscreen must be applied every hour. The reason sunscreen works in this way is based on the mechanics of our skin.
Our skin works much like a sponge does. The top layer of our skin, called the epidermis, absorbs sunscreen, forming a protective layer on the skin that blocks UV rays from reaching the melanocytes (or "pigmentation cells") that lie deep within the skin. Yet, your skin-the largest bodily organ-reaches its saturation point after approximately two hours, thus leaving you unprotected and causing sunburn and/or other skin-related damage. Hence, it is imperative that sunscreen must be reapplied in order to enhance its protective powers.
Alas, not all sunscreen products out on the market today work proficiently. To deliver optimum level of protection, sunscreen must have sufficient amounts of essential ingredients. In other words, when choosing a sunscreen product for your family, take a look at the bottle; make sure it contains proven effective agents such as zinc oxide and Parasol 1789.
Furthermore, make sure the product is a broad-spectrum formula, meaning that it blocks both UV-B and UV-A rays. If the sunscreen is not broad-spectrum formula, do not buy it. You are not being sufficiently protected nor "covered" if your sunscreen does not clearly indicate that it protects from both UV-A and UV-B rays.
The significance of a broad-spectrum sunscreen cannot be over-emphasized. UV-B and UV-A rays have varied affects on your skin, your immune system, and your body as a whole. UV-B irradiation disrupts the melanocytes (the cells deep beneath the epidermis of your skin responsible for your pigmentation), causing them to release the "redness" known as sunburn.
Any change in the color of your skin as a result of over-exposure to the sun is a sign of damage, even if your skin tends to "tan" as opposed to burn. When this occurs, your melanocytes are trying to tell you that normal, healthy cells have been severely disrupted and therefore are attempting to compensate for that damage.
On the other hand, damage to your skin caused by UV-A irradiation is far more serious. UV-A rays are especially harmful as they penetrate deeper, breaking bonds of DNA which lead to cancer. You typically do not see the immediate effects of UV-A rays, but they are the chief culprit behind photo-aging and wrinkling in addition to actinic keratoses, a pre-cancerous skin condition. Damage to your cells as a result from over-exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or from a tanning bed is un-repairable.
Consider the following analogy: Have you ever left a basketball outside in the hot summer sun for a lengthy period of time? And after you retrieved the ball, you immediately notice that the elasticity of the ball is weakened-it feels "rubbery" and never quite "bounces back"? This is exactly what happens to your skin as a result of prolonged UV-A exposure. Both UV-B and UV-A rays have cumulative affects and coupled together often lead to melanoma skin cancer.
Thusly, make sure you understand "SPF" when purchasing a brand of sunscreen, and do not be fooled by those that claim to deliver a high level of protection. For starters, "SPF" stands for sun protection factor (or "sunburn protection factor"). The way SPF works can be best described by the following example: A SPF 20 sunscreen is only allowing five out of every 100 UV protons to reach your skin. In other words, it is blocking out 95% of the UV rays from reaching your skin.
That being said, dermatologist-oncologist Sancy A. Leachman, director of the Tom C. Mathews Jr. Familial Melanoma Research Clinic at the Huntsman Cancer Institute, recommends a SPF 15 sunscreen as ideal for daily, year-round use. Yet, if you are planning a long, leisurely day at the lake (or even a marathon day on the ski slopes), you will want to opt for a SPF 30 sunscreen, such as Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen, and be sure to apply the 30-20-2 rule so as to prevent a painful reminder of your day of recreation.
In reality, sunscreen usage among Americans today has decreased by nearly 60%, according to a recent report by the American Academy of Dermatology. Could the lack of sun safety behavior be contributing to the ever-increasing skin cancer incidence and mortality? Certainly, the world's most common cancer could be easily prevented if we are proactive about choosing effective sunscreens and properly, proactively maximizing their efficacy.
Author Bio
Danielle M. White, CEO, offers a FREE newsletter including proper use of sunscreen & other sun protection products.
Article Source: - Free Website Content
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6 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)
Most breast tumors grow under the influence of estrogen that permeate the mammary gland. However, the amount of these hormones is partly innate, partly due to our behavior. Our advice to reduce the risk to a minimum.
1. Parents Before Age of 30- Don't wait too much to start your own family have become father and mother before age of 30. A baby before age 30, and one or two later, is beneficial because pregnancy mammary cells leads to full maturity, which protects them from degeneration. Pregnancy also reduce the periods on the pill. However, the risk of breast cancer is very slightly increased among women who took the pill for more than five years before their first baby.
2. Stop the Fatty Acids- According to the researcher of French, the disease was found twice as common in women with high blood acid levels "trans" fats (oils partially hydrogenated vegetable) from industrial sources. These fatty acids are found particularly in manufactured products such as packaged bread sold in supermarkets, pastries, cakes, chips, pizza. The researchers recommend limiting industrial processes generating these fatty acids "trans", and that their presence in the products is clearly indicated.
3. control Your Weight- After menopause, being overweight appears to favor the development of tumors. Breast cancer is no exception. Do not let it install too many pounds is important. In addition, subcutaneous fat women covered stimulates an enzyme called aromatase. It converts androgen's (male hormones) to estrogen's, the known role in breast cancer.
4. Breast- Evidence is accumulating on the preventive effects of breastfeeding: the last report of the Research against cancer when one takes note of positive net effect over at least six months. One possible explanation is that when breastfeeding, estrogen production decreases. In addition, breastfeeding ends maturation of breast cells, another protective factor.
5. Limit Alcohol- Even at low doses, alcohol is harmful. This is the conclusion of a major study conducted by one cancer research in the United States, with 184,000 women. Regularly drink one or two glasses of alcohol per day and increase the risk by 30%. This effect is explained by a change in estrogen metabolism. The counsels of moderation apply to both the wine or champagne that the spirits.
6. Do Sports- Researchers confirms the beneficial role of physical activity. Walking at a brisk pace at least thirty minutes each day to his household actively prefer the stairs, a sporting activity once a week, decrease by 40% the risk. This effect is also seen in those who have a family history or who are thin.
The reasons? A decrease in estrogen levels, changes in growth factors and immune function.
Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Cancer Specialist in IndiaThe Reasons Why Many People Do Not Survive Cancer By Alan Wighton

When somebody is diagnosed with cancer they tend to abandon all common sense and summit to our orthodox medical treatments because of blind faith. While our mainstream health care system is superb for some medical problems but when it comes to degenerative diseases like cancer it mostly fails. There is only one way to approach the cancer problem and that is to correct the reasons why it happened.
While everyone is hopeful for a cure to be found, the facts are if somebody wasn?t trying to make money out of cancer, we would have a cure tomorrow. True cures for cancer involve correcting the reasons why it appeared but no one can profit from that. All you have to do is to remove the reasons why it grew and that will allow the body to self heal through the immune system. This system is effective when someone breaks a bone or cuts a finger and of course it also works for every type of cancer as well.
The cancer rate has been steadily climbing over the last 100 years and it?s still increasing and expected to affect 1 in 2.5 people in the western developed world by 2015. Ten years ago world wide there were 6.5 million people dying of cancer each year and in the year that?s just past that figure has increased to nearly 8 million people. That represents over twenty thousand people a day world wide that our medical system failed to cure.
The reason why people fear the disease is because everyone knows the treatments often don?t work. Until our medical system changes the way they treat the disease those figures aren?t going to change. The conventional approach to cancer is that it is a genetic problem and the best approach is early detection followed by surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. This approach most of the time has been a dismal failure.
Today we only have a medical care system which is profit driven and not a health care system which cares about people?s wellbeing. Why do you think our drugs are synthetic or artificial? It?s because they can then be patented and companies profit from them. That is also the reason why you will almost never be offered ways to overcome a health problem by natural means.
Nature has always had a cure for cancer so all you have to do is to turn to nature to help you with your problem. Cancer is not an isolated problem, it is a reminder telling you that something is wrong with the entire body so it?s time to make some important changes. Cancer will arise in the body when the body?s immune system has been weakened and allowed cells to divide without control and you certainly can?t fix that with a pill.
Cancer is only a modern day problem and it?s caused by the way we are now living. Also we are not being taught what we can do to help ourselves. We are kept ignorant about its many causes so we are forced to rely on the so called experts for treatment.
We don?t have an effective health care system for someone with cancer and our three ways of treating it seldom solves the problem.
Breast Cancer Yoga Very Beneficial in Cancer Treatment
What to do when you have breast cancer?
Treatment of breast cancer depends on the size and stage of the tumor, whether it has spread or not, and health status of General patient. In many cases, medical equipment from different specialties works with the patient to decide which the best plan to follow is.
Henceforth the doctor and you are responsible for your health: they are a team. The specialist has the knowledge to diagnose and treat your illness, but only you possible that treatment will continue as expected. This disease is not cured in a short time, so you need to do your doctor often. There needs to be good communication and understanding between you.
The first treatment, with an early stage cancer, is responsible for remove the tumor. Some doctors will recommend surgery to remove the tumor, with or without radiation therapy.The next step is to reduce the risk of the disease returning, and for that kill cancer cells that may remain. Your doctor will recommend further treatment such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy.If the cancer recurs, the patient can choose another surgery and various treatments to combat metastases elsewhere in the body.Factors determining the right treatment
The status and histological grade of tumorThe hormonal status of the tumorThe age and general health of the patientMenopausal status of the patientThe presence of known mutations in the genes breast cancerFactors that may indicate that a tumor is aggressiveYoga brings the mind during therapy in breast cancer.
Stress associated with breast cancer treatment can be controlled with specific yoga program designed for patients with breast tumors. This ancient discipline improves physical ability and encourages women as they follow their usual treatment's for quality of life and mental health of cancer patients increasingly important as getting will control the disease. Yoga can reduce risks by stimulating lymph flow, fortify the immune system and the endocrine, and improve attitudes towards your body.
Understand your chest
To understand how yoga can help, we will provide first a brief overview of the breasts and what is wrong when cancer develops. The breast tissue, glands, ducts, connective tissue and fat cells begin to grow- quickly in response to hormonal changes that occur at puberty. Through the life of a woman, the complicated hormonal balance regulated by the endocrine system, which includes the pineal gland, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal thymus, pancreas, ovaries, and other tissues has enormous impact on the development and breast health.
The hormone that plays the most important role in health and disease of the breasts is estrogen. Each month, after which stops menstruation, a woman's ovaries begin to increase estrogen production. Responding to this, it begins build the lining of the uterus to prepare the body for the possibility of a pregnancy. Estrogen also causes the cells to swell and retain mammary fluid. If a fertilized egg does not implant in the uterine wall, newly constructed lining shows in menstruation mammary cells and are reduced again.
Treatment of breast cancer depends on the size and stage of the tumor, whether it has spread or not, and health status of General patient. In many cases, medical equipment from different specialties works with the patient to decide which the best plan to follow is. More info about yoga for cancer treatment .Breast Examinations For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a very fatal disease responsible for thousands of deaths among women annually. It is the second most common type of cancers among women and every year huge number of women is diagnosed with this disease worldwide.
Breast cancer has the ability to develop in any part of breasts and armpits also but most likely it develops in the milk producing factory called lobules and in the ducts those help in transportation of prepared milk to the nipples of breasts. When in the beginning a cancerous tumor is formed it is of a very small size and is not risky. But later when it starts growing it can be very harmful as it can grow over night.
As the cancer tumor can grow very rapidly it is very important to detect it at most early stage. if it will be detected earlier it would be treated successfully. But however if there is a delay occurred in cancer's detection it will result in the failure of any treatments as advanced stage of cancer is not yet successfully treatable.
Breast examinations to help early detection are basically of many types but most commonly acknowledged are two.
Physical Examinations Mammograms
Physical examinations are categorized into two types; one is self examination and the other is clinical examination. self examination of breasts is advised to be stared soon after getting twenty and it should be performed every month. When you are giving so much importance to everything around you, you should spare some time for you. breast cancer is most common in women than any other gender. If you are sparing some time to examine your breasts routinely you can lower the possibility of breast cancer development in you.
Clinical examination of breast is another type of physical examination that is performed by a health practitioner to find a lump or any other abnormal change in your breasts. this examination is good in finding cancer lumps.
Mammograms called as gold standard and the best test for showing breast cancer earlier than any other test are highly reliable type of breast exam. Mammogram can be performed on every age of women but it is most successful when it is performed on the age group 40 and above.
Risk of breast cancer is at its peak when you have grown enough to touch the age of 45. However it should also be in your mind that this cancer is also detected in the premenopausal women. women belonging to any age group have to be alert about this cancer and they should be in touch with breast exam in a regular manner because in a more open way breast cancer has no mercy for any age.
Alley James writes about breast related issues to promote breast awareness by providing the best possible information and methods of breast care.Breast exam can be enlightened by using a unique device breastlight. This is an innovation in the field of women products to give them a new view of their breasts. To get more information about the utility of breastlight visit our websiteSigns of Breast Cancer
Cancer is a dreadful disease, which does not just affect one's health but also their mind. An affected person will constantly be in a sad mood. This disease has affected people all over the world and every part of the body too. There is no organ that has saved itself from cancer. Cancer is a fatal disease and results in a painful death. However, thanks to the medical world that we can now treat cancer. This treatment is possible only if we treat ourselves as early as possible.
One of the most commonly found cancer in women is breast cancer. It is not just found in women but also in men. According to statistics, breast cancer is second to lung cancer and is the major reason for death of women who die from cancer. It has been found that in U.S alone one out of eight women suffer from breast cancer. The survey also shows us some frightening number of breast cancer patients to rise up more and more as years pass by. To avoid more death of women due to breast cancer, it is important to treat breast cancer at its early stages because if you leave it carelessly then you are pushing yourself into the well of death.
Many of our medical questions remain unanswered, but whose answers are necessary to find. One such question is that how do I know that I am suffering from breast cancer? The answer is simple, by its symptoms. The symptoms are simple to know. The tumor, which is formed at its early stage, may not be detectable by you manually, but it is possible to detect it though mammogram. It is necessary for women to undergo an annual mammogram screening to detect cancer at its early stages. Remember that cancer can be treated only in its early stages and delay can lead to mortality.
There are even more signs of breast cancer that can help you know that whether you are suffering from breast cancer or not:
Touch your nipples and breast and feel them. If your nipples are tender and you feel any sort of lump or thickening around your breast or underarm then fix an appointment.If your skin is red, swollen or rough on the breast, then you need to take care of it.See if there is any kind of fluid or discharge from the nipples.Check the size of the nipples, if one is bigger than another then you need to check it.Touch your breast and feel its temperature, if it is hot then you need to check it.Presence of any kind rash on the breast or patches of it around the breast need to be taken seriously.Flat or inverted nipples have to be checked.Breast cancer can be treated in its early stages. Therefore, it is necessary for women to go for an annual check up. Do not fear or feel hesitated, because your fear or hesitation can lead to death.
What is The Connection Between Breast Cancer and Common Chemicals
While no decision has been made, many studies point to environmental factors as a contributor in the increase of breast cancer cases. As more research delves into the causes of the disease, the importance of monitoring the role of environmental factors cannot be ignored. The incidences of breast cancer are on the rise, and with no significant increase in genetic predisposition, we begin to look more closely at the products we use on our bodies and in our homes, what we consume and how each of these is packaged.
One possible contributors that has come under a lot scrutiny as to the formation of cancerous cells are Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). While no conclusive proof has come to light, understanding more about these chemicals will help you make informed decisions.
What is the endocrine system?
The main function of the endocrine system is communication. Through production in the glands and the release of various hormones, the endocrine system regulates almost every biological process in the human body: physical growth and development, mental development, mood and memory, sexual development and immune function. When hormones don't function properly, these processes can be negatively affected.
What are endocrine disruptors and where are they found?
Synthetic endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, are chemical compounds in preservatives and plasticizers. Found in everyday cleaning and personal care products, EDCs manipulate the normal function of a hormone. Certain types of EDCs, such as phthalates and parabens, mimic estrogen when absorbed in the body, and have been linked to the development of breast cancer.
EDCs are found in many household products, in foods, and in their packaging. To name a few, EDCs can be found in plastics (especially those containing Bisphenol A, or BPA, and phthalates), pesticides, certain metals, and in fragrances in cosmetics and cleaning products. Paradoxically, smaller amounts of endocrine-disrupting chemicals are more readily absorbed in the system, whereas larger amounts can overwhelm the endocrine system, allowing limited absorption and having little to no affect on the system. To date, safety testing of chemicals has assumed that low doses are not harmful if higher doses do not show effects, and most EDCs have not been thoroughly tested for health effects at low exposures. Precisely for this reason - that they contain smaller amounts EDCs, exposure to certain pesticides, cleaning products, and plastics, are most concerning.
Endocrine disruptors and breast cancer: what's the connection?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency:
Reported increases in incidences of certain cancers (breast, testes, prostate) may also be related to endocrine disruption. Because the endocrine system plays a critical role in normal growth, development, and reproduction, even small disturbances in endocrine function may have profound and lasting effects... The seriousness of the endocrine disruptor hypothesis and the many scientific uncertainties associated with the issue are sufficient to warrant a coordinated federal research effort.
While more research needs to be done, studies increasingly point to exposure to EDCs as a factor in the formation of cancerous cells.
Largely, the risk connected to endocrine-disrupting chemicals exposure is unclear; however, caution is advised, especially for women. EDCs appear to have the greatest effect on women in utero, during puberty, and during the perinatal phase (the last trimester of pregnancy until one to four weeks post-delivery), because these are times of great developmental change, particularly in the mammary glands. While other risk factors play a significant role in the development of breast cancer, environmental factors can no longer be ignored.
How to avoid exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals
The best way to maintain limited exposure to EDCs is by educating yourself on what to look for in products and foods.
Buy organic whenever possible, as pesticides have been linked to the development of cancerous cells.Look for green cleaning products, or make your own at home. Simple ingredients you have in your pantry can be just as effective as those you'd find in the store.When buying cleaning products, do your homework! Check for the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on the manufacturer website - this document ensures complete disclosure of all ingredients, and lists the International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) names, a worldwide dictionary which accurately identifies the composition of personal care product ingredients.Take care with food storage. Use glass containers when possible, and when using plastics, stick to number 1 PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which does not leach into products and does not contain BPA. A good rule of thumb is not to heat food in any plastic container, as heat can release chemicals which then leach into foods.The subject of breast cancer and potential environmental causes is a heavy one, but armed with knowledge, you can make informed decisions to avoid endocrine-disrupting chemicals and keep you and your family safe. Article Source: Eco-MeAlternative Therapies Available At Angeles Health Cancer Treatment (Michaell Henry)
Cancer In The Breast:
There are hundreds of women that suffer from breast cancer today. It is very essential to find a particular treatment that can help in faster recovery of the sufferer. The Angeles Health breast cancer treatment is quite different from that of the treatment options that are adopted traditionally. It is believed that the breast cancer and its nature in two different women can vary. Therefore, the treatment given to these patients should vary. Therefore, at this health care center the individual cases of cancer are thoroughly studied. Consequently, treatment options are adopted that suits the needs of the different patients.
The Different Types Of Breast Cancer:
As indicated, there are different types of breast cancer with which a woman can get affected. Some of the common types include Lobuar Carcinoma in Situ, invasive cancer, ductal carcinoma and other rarer types. The cutting edge technology in today's date has enabled the doctors to consider each of these cases separately. They also try to find out the best of traditional medicine and modern western medicine. On the basis of that, they try to find out the most effective treatment that can be suitable for a particular patient.
The Angeles Health breast cancer treatments are highly integrated in approach. As a result, every patient can expect to get the most effective tool in order to fight cancer in the best way possible. Some patients can be treated with the conventional therapies, while some others might also require approaches beyond that. However, as medical science is constantly progressing, the oncologists are constantly making attempts to find out the best measure that can be helpful in the treatment of breast cancer. A team of oncologist works to find out the exact condition and level of cancer to recommend the best solution.
Angeles Health International, Mexico's is largest private hospital network for breast cancer treatment, we believe in treating the individual before targeting the cancer. For more information on Angeles Health cancer treatment Please visit: -
Angeles Health International, Mexico's is largest private hospital network for breast cancer treatment, we believe in treating the individual before targeting the cancer. For more information on Angeles Health cancer treatment Please visit: - http://www.cancertreatmentmx.comWatching Out For Breast Cancer Symptoms
As we all know, breast cancer treatments will help if it is caught in time. There are all kinds of pamphlets, videos, and computer information about how to do a breast exam and all humans, inclusive of males, need to check their breast tissue often as a means of watching out for breast cancer symptoms.
Of course the problem exists that not all breast cancer is going to jump up and down and proclaim "Here I am!" thus it is often hidden. You see, not all breast cancer has symptoms of cancer, and even if you have a very tiny lump that is cancer, it may be very difficult for the average person to locate it in their breast, no matter how diligent they may be. At times a doctor has been able to identify breast cancer before a patient is aware of it, but even that is rare. Also the type has to be identified before breast cancer treatments can begin.
Thus, most breast cancer is found by going through that "torture" most women refer to as having a mammogram. It is important to point out that it is actually an x-ray of the breast, so that when this x-ray is taken, great care is taken to be able to include the entire breast area, and that's why so many call it torture. Having one's breast tissue squeezed between two pieces of hard plastic is not anyone's idea of fun, but it is the results that are so important if there's cancer there that needs cancer treatments.
Because it is an x-ray, it can actually look deeply into the breast. To those who read x-rays, problems such as cancer can be crystal clear, and at other times the person interpreting the x-ray may make an error, and actually miss a tiny dot on the x-ray that denotes problems.
Sometimes the patient has seen something that just might indicate cancer. Not everyone is going to have the same cancer symptoms, so do not take the symptoms to be purely black and white. For example a lump that is hard or soft, has uneven edges or is perfectly round, painless or tender: all of those indications should pique your interest enough to have a doctor look over it. As you can see, the list of symptoms is seriously variable, and that's partly because breast cancer is so sneaky.
Granted you should seek medical help if you note swelling on your breast, whether it's only partial or all of it and also seek help if you note unexplained skin irritation or even a dimpling of your breast tissue. Having any pain in your breast or even pain that is coming from the nipple area is an indicator that you should have it looked at. Some patients noticed that their nipple turned inward or some have some sort of nipple discharge when they are not lactating. Fortunately many seek medical help if they find a lump in their armpit area.
Now none of those symptoms are a reason to think that you definitely have breast cancer, and often instead it turns out to be a minor infection or sometimes a cyst. A cyst is literally a pocket that may or may not have liquid in it, but if it contains pus then it's actually an abscess. Occasionally a cyst is caused by some form of cancer tumor, thus even if you just think you have a cyst, have it looked at so that the treatment of cancer can begin immediately.
There are a number of ways that a doctor ascertains a diagnosis of breast cancer prior to cancer treatment. For instance there is ultrasound, which is actually a reflection of sound, so it can "look into" enclosed areas such as breast tissue. Then there is an MRI, short for magnetic resonance imaging, which has to do with how your body reflects radio waves. It gives doctors a different view of the same areas that were looked at with the x-ray or the ultrasound. Or your doctor may order a CAT scan. In that case, it generates a 3-D image of your breast.
Once a doctor knows what's inside the breast tissue, they can make a decision as to what breast cancer treatment will be best. If you wish to know more about breast cancer treatment, you can go to where you can also find information about the best in cancer treatments.
Cancer Treatment Today is supported by experts in the fields of Cancer Medicine and Cancer Treatment. Leading them is Mark Levin, MD, an academic physician with a wide range of experience in various practice settings.What is Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is without question the most significant cancer difficulties today. It is because it is different from other forms which often are attributed to intoxications by external interaction.
Cancer of the breast is described as your uncommon rapid increase of cancer cells in the breast. This fast growth result in certain complications that result in creation of tumors in that part of the body, that could possibly end up being upon each or simply on one. This type is malignant which starts in the cells in the breast and is making its way around the area going to the center.
However it's not precisely confirmed what can cause this irregular cancer's cellular development within women. Though most of us will not still know what exactly breast cancer is, most of us truly do know the threat issues that are usually from the sickness. Some sort of threat issue is usually an issue that has effects on a person contracting the disease, a lot more like some sort of hypothetical origin. Threat issues often times become a big help to patients although it does not by any means give us all the needed information. Having a threat issues or perhaps various, doesn't show that a woman would get it instantly. Many women of all ages with several threat issues never ever contract the sickness. And the majority women who have this don't have any Threat issues of the far more noticeable.
Possibility Variables connected with Breast Cancer:
Sexuality: Being a woman gives you the higher possibility to have the disease. Though adult males likewise acquire the sickness, it is usually a greater percentage to women in comparison with adult males.
Age: The probability of acquiring this disease gets higher as a woman ages. In a survey, 2 out of 3 women with malignant breast cancer were 55 and above when the cancer was detected.
Race: In total, light women of all ages usually are a little bit almost certainly going to receive Breast cancers in comparison with African-American women of all ages. Ebony women of all ages, nevertheless, are more inclined to kick the bucket connected with this disease. In addition, women below 45, it is usually more usual with Ebony. Asian, Hispanic, in addition to Native-American women employ a smaller possibility of acquiring or succumbing by cancer of the breast.
Family History: Breast cancers possibility is usually better involving women whose close proximity blood relations include that sickness. It could be either of the parents' side of the family. The possibility is greater for a woman who has a mother, sister or daughter who has breast cancer. It's crucial to realize that almost all (over 85%) women of all ages exactly who receive cancer of the breast do not need loved one's heritage in this sickness, and so the lack a family member having cancer of the breast doesn't indicate people won't understand.
Breast radiation at a young age: Women of all ages with received radiation treatment method towards breast spot (as a treatment method intended for a different cancer) sooner with lifetime employ an enormously enhanced possibility connected with cancer of the breast. The chances differ depending on the age the patient received radiation treatment. It raises the risk of breast radiation if the patient is a teenager when she received the treatment; it is because this is the time the breasts develop. Radiation treatment method soon after age 50 isn't going to often raise the cancers possibility.
Clearing Up Misconceptions about Breast Cancer
Despite the fact that breast cancer is probably the most feared disease by women, many still don't know all that much about it. In fact, many women believe in a number of fallacies about breast cancer.
Here are some of the most common misconceptions about breast cancer.
Breast cancer only affects with a family history of the disease
This unfortunately, is not true at all. Statistics show that at least 80 percent of women with breast cancer in fact, have no family history of breast cancer. Although genetics plays a major role in the disease, it's not a prerequisite. That said, there's no reason why you should skip a regular mammogram, particularly if you're above the age of 40.
Breast cancer only affects older women
False. In fact, breast cancer can strike women of any age. While statistics show the majority of breast cancer patients are women above post-menopausal age, a good 25 percent of women below 50 still get the disease-25 percent isn't safe betting odds. Younger women should still get annual breast exams, and women over 40 should begin undergoing regular mammographic screenings.
Being diagnosed with breast cancer means guaranteed death
Like any other cancer, breast cancer is not without treatment options. In fact, doctors have become quite capable of treating the disease, with 10-year survival rates already at 85 percent. Another reason to be hopeful is that at least 98 percent of patients whose breast cancer was caught early survive.
Breast cancer treatment will make me sick
While chemotherapy does indeed cause side effects like vomiting and nausea, it's not the only treatment option available to you. Drugs like Nolvadex, which lowers estrogen in women and helps prevent the spreading of cancer, have gentler side effects. Moreover, there are new medications designed to combat the side effects of chemo.
A lump on the breast is a sign of cancer
Actually, most lumps found on the breasts are benign. They could just be harmless cysts or caused by a condition called fibroadenoma, which causes harmless cysts. Still, if you found a lump on your breasts, it pays to have it checked.
If you need medications for breast cancer, check out Canada Drug Pharmacy. A leading player in the online pharmacy industry, Canada Drug Pharmacy specializes in offering 100 percent safe and original prescription medicines, all offered at far lower prices compared to traditional brick and mortar drugstores.
Drugs like Nolvadex, which lowers estrogen in women and helps prevent the spreading of cancer, have gentler side effects.The Importance of Food To Eat Or Not Eat When Dealing With Cancer By Alan Wighton

Everyone is mystified as to why there is so much cancer now yet when you look at who?s getting cancer and where it is predominately a problem it is not difficult to find the reasons why. Today the food we eat has changed and so has the rate of cancer in western developed countries where it is highest. Today we suffer from a different set of health problems than 50 to 60 years ago and cancer is one of the main ones.
What we eat determines our state of health. Most patients who are successful in healing cancer make significant changes to their diet and life-style. In fact, healing requires changes, big changes. If we attack the tumour without improving the underlying system, the body will usually grow more cancer. It?s important for someone just diagnosed with the problem to do something about it themselves instead of just leaving it to your doctor to solve the problem.
This is not something that has just been discovered as there are many clinics around the world that are using our natural food as medicine successfully. The Gerson therapy has been using food to heal cancer patients since the 19:50s. Another is the Joanna Budwig diet which has helped many people, also the macrobiotic diet which addresses the reasons why it first grew. All these therapies strengthen the immune system which is our self-repair system and has the amazing ability to heal the body of diseases when it is functioning properly.
If you got cancer from eating the wrong food, would you look for a cure by considering the treatments that are in place today while you kept on eating more of this same food that caused the problem? No. So why then do we spend so much time and money on finding a cure, while why we keep pouring in the food that allowed cancer to grow in the first place. Change the food you are eating and a cure will happen. That is common sense.
There are certain foods we love to eat that must be eliminated from the diet if you are going to beat the disease. Fatty processed meats that are low in fibre and contain the carcinogenic additive sodium nitrate which is known to contribute to cancer. Also food that is highly salted, pickled or smoked. Meat can also become carcinogenic because of the way we cook it with barbequing or frying as high temperatures in cooking are known to promote cancer.
Nature, on the other hand gives us an array of food to beat the disease and this food will attack the underlying causes that allowed cancer to first appear. This almost exclusively revolves around a plant based diet and at the top of the list is food from the cruciferous family which are broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. They are unequalled in helping someone survive the disease.
To stop cancer your diet must include freshly grown and in season fruit and vegetables, preferably from a variety of colour so start your day with a healthy fruit breakfast. The perfect food for lunch is a salad using an assortment of colour which should include garlic. Pumpkins, sweet potatoes, carrots including green leafy vegetables are great for the evening meal. Finish off with dessert of berries, grapes or watermelon.
Consuming fruit and vegetables in their natural state is an important way to reverse any cancer because freshly grown food is our medicine that keeps us disease free. These foods have been created and grown by nature, and nobody can improve on nature.
Remember there is no treatment or drug and there will never be one that cures the reason why cancer first developed.
Prevent Cancer in Children (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)
A healthy diet
Food is essential as a preventative tool. For example, the eating of fruits and vegetables in abundance could reduce the lifetime risk of developing certain types of cancer (and other diseases). A healthy diet also helps prevent overweight, a problem that is affecting more and more children in Canada. However, people who are overweight or obese are at risk of developing certain types of cancer.
- Establish quickly so good eating habits!
- Take time to eat with your children (this is an expression taken literally: eating slowly is beneficial to the stomach).
- Go shopping with them to show them what health products and those that are harmful.
- Encourage them to lunch with you, even if you do not trust them very simple tasks, they do not take the bad habit to get a pizza delivered once daily party in an apartment! Maybe they do not enjoy eating whatever you propose them, but our supermarkets have enough resources to feed us healthy every day of the week.
Go play outside with you Children.
A good diet is not the only way to prevent obesity and cancer in the long term. It should also encourage your child to be active. In addition to preventing obesity, exercise promotes muscle development, heart and lungs.
It is estimated that children need about 90 minutes of sport per day. They are often a part in school or daycare, but there is still the weekends and evenings. Do not hesitate to go with them, even if it is only about twenty minutes to play hockey in the street, do a bike ride or go do some errands on foot. It is easier and cheaper than you think to do 90 minutes of exercise your child every day!
Outside yes, but be careful from the sun!
Accustom children early to protect themselves from the sun is much lower risk of skin cancer in adulthood. Although it is not always easy, minimize sun exposure between 11 am and 4 pm, when the rays are very harmful. In all cases, apply a thick layer of SPF 30 cream about 20 minutes before they go out. Reapply every two hours. If you play by the pool or sea, opt for a water-repellent cream. In addition to the cream, long clothing and a hat will provide excellent protection. When applying, make sure that your little ones Sacrament largely themselves, explaining why they do. This is how they keep this good habit growing.
Effectively Monitor Their Environment
Some researchers suspect that there are links between cancer progression and the pollution in our industrialized societies. Obviously, we cannot protect our children against this global phenomenon but it is possible to control certain lifestyles. So opt for products specifically identified as non-toxic or organic, and therefore less harmful to health. And also think of cigarette smoke or the less harmful, automotive rolling in the garage a few minutes to warm up. Two activities that may very well be outside! When we think that children who were exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely than others to suffer from lung cancer, in adulthood, it is not a very big sacrifice. Children, because of their low weight, absorb proportionately more toxins than adults. A good reason to be particularly vigilant in their presence!
Prevention also begins in the womb even when she is pregnant. A good diet, and the reduction or complete cessation of alcohol and cigarettes are concrete actions that will have a positive impact on the health of your unborn child. That being said, even if the caution, do not go crazy! Small fries and a hamburger on occasion will not condemn your children getting cancer! The important thing is to find a good balance and develop a family of healthy lifestyles.
Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Indian PediatricsSo You're Done With Breast Cancer Treatment. What Now?
For breast cancer patients, the realization that your treatment is finally over can be both relieving and stressful. Now that you're done with treatment, it's very easy to then move on to worrying about your cancer coming back. In fact, recurrence (when your cancer comes back) is perhaps the biggest fear among those who have had cancer.
It is perfectly normal to feel this way. If you've just finished your treatment for breast cancer, whether through chemotherapy or through the use hormone therapy drugs like Nolvadex, you may find that true recovery takes a while to feel real.
Here are some things to remember when you're done with your treatment.
Pursue Follow-up Care
Even if your treatment is over, it's important to constantly follow-up on your health. Your doctor will advise you to visit regularly so that you'll be checked for symptoms and undergo physical exams, blood tests and imaging studies like MRIs or CT scans. Follow-up visits to your oncologist are important since you need to watch out not just for the recurrence of your breast cancer, but for the side-effects of your treatment as well.
Doctors in the past have usually advised breast cancer survivors to avoid pregnancy after treatment for at least 2 years. However, some new studies show that there's no basis to this warning, as pregnancy doesn't increase the risk of breast cancer recurrence after a successful round of treatment. Of course, it's still best to consult your doctor if you plan on getting pregnant.
Seeking a New Doctor
Once your breast cancer treatment is over, it's possible that you begin seeing a new doctor that specializes in cancer aftercare. As such, it's important that you provide your new doctors with the complete and exact details of your cancer diagnosis and appropriate treatment. You'll want to keep all records of your diagnosis and other medical records.
It's also likely that your doctor will prescribe you with a new round of aftercare medications to make sure you stay healthy and avoid a recurrence. If you're looking to buy your medications without burning a hole through your wallet, look to Canada Drug Pharmacy to provide you with safe and affordable prescription medications and generic medicines offered at prices far low that what's found at conventional drugstores and even other online pharmacies on the web. All orders are overseen by a duly licensed pharmacist and require a prescription to ensure the safety of customers.
If you've just finished your treatment for breast cancer, whether through chemotherapy or through the use hormone therapy drugs like Nolvadex, you may find that true recovery takes a while to feel real.Breast Cancer Awareness - Find Out How and Why to Promote?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is actually a fervent in addition to active theme within present day society. It's important to end up being alert to Breast Cancer and to help remind others to take preventative measures against it by researching risk factors as well as persistently obtaining annual examinations, You should realize that there are countless women in US and a lot more within rest of the world which aren't totally informed and may not really have access to early detection as well as preventive care. Pink ribbons, buttons, apparel and other large and small items, have been used for getting people involved and also informed. These kinds of items are usually vitally important, as they always keep Breast Cancer in the front of everybody's minds. There are usually many such items available for sale, however with autumn here and winter coming up, it could be advantageous - both for awareness as well as the inclement weather - to consider Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas for the upcoming rainy season.
There tend to be a good amount of Breast Cancer Awareness items available in shops or online on stores like WindproofUmbrellaStore. These kinds of items consist of umbrellas of various sizes and also a poncho. The umbrellas feature a simple, cute, and also stylish pink-and-white striped pattern together with a modest pink "Breast Cancer Ribbon" imprinted upon one of the white stripes. Adorable!
These types of umbrellas may be produced with your name, logos or even virtually any message you might want to communicate. They usually are sturdy and of latest wind resistant, rain repellent along with sun protective materials. Most significantly, within rain or even shine these types of umbrellas tend to be visible and also spread the message to remind and make people aware of the issues.
You can be just like everyone else this rainy season and purchase a bleak, boring black umbrella; or perhaps you could step out of the norm and purchase a cute pink and white striped umbrella. The Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas at stores such as Windproof Umbrella Store are competitively priced and come in sizes of 42 inches up to 62 inches (golf umbrella size). They are generally folding and easy to carry along. However umbrellas are not the only items. If umbrellas are not for you, there is in addition a poncho-durable, comfortable, and made from quality material, the poncho may continue to keep your hair along with clothes from getting wet in addition to frizzy on drizzly days.
The very best part? The suppliers of these types of umbrellas, for example Haas-Jordan, will support breast cancer awareness programs. Your purchase may not merely be fashionable, beneficial, in addition to stylish... it may also help the cause! Portions of all proceeds from Breast Cancer Awareness items from Haas-Jordan go to help the fight against Breast Cancer. To support the cause you could find other stores who will contribute profits of sale of various other related items.
While searching for Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas look for ones that tend to be specially designed to be windproof, wind resistant or wind vented. These types of umbrellas tend to be in a position to withstand moderate to gusty winds of approximately 50 miles per hour or even more! In the event that you have ever had the aggravating experience of having your own umbrella blow inside out within a powerful thunderstorm, you know exactly how nice a wind resistant umbrella would be.
These types of umbrellas tend to be unique as well as durable in opposition to powerful winds up to 60 miles per hour. The umbrellas come between average 42-inch sizes up to extra-large 62-inch sizes. Varying sizes means you are able to choose the one which works for you. Be sure you pick wisely, mainly because these kinds of high quality umbrellas last for a long time! Most importantly with just a little bit of investigation you'll find top quality umbrellas that are generally durable, windproof, stylish along with easy to carry in addition to handle plus affordable simultaneously.
You shouldn't be left out this approaching rainy season. Now is your opportunity to buy a quality-made, wind resistant umbrella which supports a crucial cause. The Breast Cancer Awareness umbrellas provide you with a stylish, white and pink striped umbrella to take shelter below during those autumn rains. Along with your pink umbrella, you could actually remind somebody to get scheduled for a checkup... who knows, you might actually save a life.
Immediately after reading this article, you have a good grasp of precisely why Breast Cancer Awareness is such a crucial in addition to urgent issue. Therefore to support the campaign head on to . During October, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 5% of all sales at the shop will go towards programs fighting breast cancer. In addition Haas-Jordan will donate all year round a part of the proceeds from sale of its Breast Awareness Umbrella products for the same cause. With a high quality, colorful and stylish windproof umbrella you will be safeguarded in rain or shine. Along with your pink umbrella, you could even remind someone to get scheduled for an never know, you might actually help save a life.Rubber Flooring (Stanford Ebbesen)
Show That You Love Your Body By Performing Self Breast Check
Self breast check is a very simple procedure to know your breasts and can be performed in complete privacy of your bedroom. No one else but a woman herself can understand and describe well the changes appearing in her body. Doctors are emphasizing on this view that women should start their breast examination soon after getting twenty because as the will be well familiar with their breasts it will be easy for them to find out any abnormal change.
Self examinations carried out once in a month are very important because they will be helpful for them in knowing the feel, look, contour, skin, and size of their breasts. And when they know the normal look and feel of their breasts perfectly they can tell if there is anything unusual for them.
Self breast check can be performed by starting with the look of breasts. Stand in front of mirror and undress your chest area. Raising your arms over your head, look at the contour of your breasts. Carefully examine the shape and size and make sure that you have not noticed any abnormality in contour or size. Women often experience variations in the size in which they find one breast relatively larger than the other. It is natural that women have some difference in size of both breasts.
A very clear difference that appeared suddenly making one breast abnormally larger is irregular. If you experience it then don't ignore it. When you have become familiar with the size and are sure that there is not any abnormal change in size, press your nipples one by one. If you find any fluid coming out of any of the nipples you should immediately report to some expert.
Carefully examine the skin of your whole chest area. Any change like puckering or dimpling on breast skin is an indication of abnormality. Breast pain is normally not a sign of breast cancer. When you are menstruating, it's natural to feel breast pain during period days. But afterwards this pain is no more to feel and hence ends.
When it is time to get a perfect breast touch better is to lie down. When you are lying down, start feeling your left breast with the aid of middle three fingers of right hand. Carefully make up and downward movements on your breast and then massage your breast in clockwise movement.
When you have done with your left side, move toward the right breast. Make up and down and later clockwise massage as you did with your left breast. During this entire breast feel if you find any abnormality like presence of a lump in any breast you have to report it to your physician. And finally you have to feel your armpits for presence of any abnormality.
Always remember that you have to be mentally alert when you are performing self breast check. You have to completely focus on the breast look and feel. If you find any abnormality whether it is related to the look or feel of breast you have to report it very soon. When breast cancer is detected earlier you will be in a position to defeat it with success.Research Discovers No Constipation Problems, Colon Cancer Link (vaileria Sed)
Studies that revealed an association generally involved surveys for members to remember fights of intestinal problems. Ford informed Reuters Wellness those research experienced from prejudice because the recommendation of intestinal problems could lead individuals to misremember their signs.However, in more powerful research that monitored individuals for both intestinal problems and intestinal tract cancer over six to 12 decades, the scientists
discovered no relationship."If they just have intestinal problems in solitude then that does not seem to be a danger aspect for cancer of the digestive tract," said Ford, who received
funding from Allmiral, makers of Linaclotide, a drug currently under examining for ibs.The Spanish drug company was not engaged in the study's design or performance.Symptoms of advanced cancer of the digestive tract generally consist of diarrhoea or lose of stool, quick weight-loss, abdominal pain, anemia and anal blood loss.
"It's important to talk to your physician about examining assessments before any signs develop," Brooks informed Reuters Health.For physicians and patients as well, serious constipation problems - generally described as three or less bowels per week over the course of three months - can seem like an beginning warning sign for cancer of the digestive tract, according to Ford.For many irregular sufferers, a visit to the physician often leads to colonoscopy, an obtrusive visual analyze that checks for cancer polyps on the digestive tract and anal wall.we still regularly get recommendations for colonoscopies if the affected person simply has intestinal problems," Ford said.
Colorectal cancer recognition guidelines don't consist of intestinal problems as an escalating indication, and based on the outcomes of the new study, Ford believes that physicians should not refer patients with intestinal problems for colonoscopy to rule out cancer.His team's research discovered that when sufferers were sent for colonoscopy with intestinal problems as the reason, their rates of cancer of the digestive tract were in fact lower than average.To screen for intestinal tract cancer, professionals advise that anyone over 50 should receive an yearly analyze to identify blood in the feces and a colonoscopy every 10 decades. Those with family histories of melanoma of the digestive tract should be tested more frequently and at a younger age.Though constipation problems may not be a danger aspect for cancer of the digestive tract, the issue shouldn't be ignored, scientists said. I am Vaileria Sed. I have done Ph.D. in human biology and helping clients with colon health problems since more than 10 years. Love to write and discuss about colon health issues and concerns. I have written numerous articles and blog on colon health and issues like: Colon Cancer, Colon Nutrition, Colon Constipation, Colon Irrigation etc. You can read how to manage chronic constipation problems, is done through diet, additional fiber, even some exercise can help.
Mesothelioma a Cancer Caused by Asbestos
The internal organs of the human body are encased in a protective sac called the mesothelium. Examples of mesothelilial membranes are the peritoneum (abdominal organs), pleura (lungs), and pericardium (heart).
Under specific conditions, the cells of the protective membrane divide uncontrolled and become cancerous. This disease is termed as Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer which is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos dust.
The disease is found to occur among those who work in shipyards, asbestos mines and factories, industries that produce asbestos based products, and the heating and construction businesses. Approximately 3,000 cases occur each year in the US, and most patients are between 50-70 years old. Statistics show that males are commonly affected and among them whites more than African Americans.
First studied in the late 1700s in depth studies were only done in the 1960s. Tumors of the Mesothelioma can be benign or malignant. The malignant Mesothelioma are categorized into three types: Epithelioid, accounting for 50-70% of mesotheliomas.Sarcomatoid, accounting for 7-20%. Mixed or bi-phasic, accounting for 20-35%.When asbestos fibers are breathed into the lungs they travel through large air passages to reach the smaller passages and from them the pleura. In the pleura they damage: the mesothelial cells leading to cancer; lung tissue causing lung cancer; and the development of scar tissue within the lungs known as asbestosis. When asbestos fibers are swallowed they reach the abdominal cavity and cause peritoneal mesothelioma.
Research reveals that the disease only manifests 20-50 years after being exposed to asbestos dust. The symptoms are not specific to the disease but a patient may develop: BreathlessnessChest pain accompanied by tightness believed to be caused by accumulation of fluid in the pleura.Low back painSwelling of face and armsSensory lossMuscle weaknessNauseaVomitingWeight loss that is unexplained.Persistent dry coughSore throatAnemiaFeverConstipationProblems with blood clotting.Since the above are common to minor ailments, patients often ignore the symptoms. It is advisable to consult a doctor if any of the above symptoms persist or if you feel you have been knowingly or unknowingly exposed to asbestos.
A doctor will:
Take down a detailed medical history and try and determine the symptoms and risk factors. Do a thorough physical examination and check for signs of: Pleural effusion, fluid accumulated in the chest cavity.Fluid in the abdominal cavity.Pericardial effusion, fluid in the lining of the heart. Take a chest x-ray and check for thickening of the pleura, calcifications, and lowered lung fissures. Ask for a CT scan to determine clearly the location, size, and extent of the problem if any is suspected. Recommend tests of tissue samples and pleural fluids.Other risk factors are cigarette or cigar smoking, exposure to radiation, exposure to zeolite a compound that is similar to asbestos, exposure to or infections caused by SV40, a Simian virus.
Those who work in a risky environment should wear protective clothing, have the surroundings tested regularly for suspended asbestos particles, and ensure that they have regular medical tests and report to the doctor any ailments that persist.
Being aware of the disease and its problems helps.
Author Bio
Paul Wilson is a freelance writer for, the premier REVENUE SHARING discussion forum for Health Forum including topics on health care, Children's Health Issues, addiction, Cancer, fitness equipment, Burns & Injuries and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Health Article Submission Directory
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New Drug For Advanced Cases of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer has been a killer syndrome in women when not taken action to treat it at the initial stages. The advanced stages were not curable and thus a female had to fight with this disorder alone until death takes place. Finally, the FDA has approved one of the drugs that have emerged into the medical world meant for treating the dreadful breast cancer. This drug extends the several months to the life of women showing positive cases of breast cancer. HER2 is a positive breast cancer in females who had been treated but still the spread of tumor has taken place.
The new invented drug namely, Kadcyla does not cure this cancer fully, but it can add up many months of life which is a great step towards progression of medicine invention. It is obvious that no one wants to die. If a woman knows that death is certain for her, then knowing that some months can be extended to her life will give her a great relief as no one wants to die too early. It is an outcome of combination of the older drug namely Herceptin, with a highly toxic DM1, a kind of chemotherapy. DMI along with Herceptin is very strong and deliver result similar to chemotherapy.
In whole Kadcyla is a drug meant to treat cancer and to shrink the tumor and slows the progression of the disease. This ultimately results in prolong survival rate that adds some months to the life cycle. This has also been clearly mentioned by the director of the FDA's office of oncology and hematology, named Dr. Richard Pazdur. The researchers report based in one of the trial that included 991 females with advanced cases of HER2 breast cancer revealed that amongst these females those who took Kadcyla was seen to live with an average of 5.8 months longer when compared to females who got more standard chemotherapy. This clearly specified that women on standard chemotherapy showed two years increment in the life length and those with Kadcyla showed 2 ½ years increment in life which is half years more than standard chemotherapy.
There have been only a few studies with metastatic breast cancer that showed an improvement in overall survival rate, and it is very tough to perform the study. This was also mentioned by Dr. Sunil Verma, in Toronto. The drug is being made by Genentech who has started giving importance the formulation based on ADC. This formula is made in a hope that it causes reduced side-effects compared to ordinary therapy, which is known to affront healthy tissues. Herceptin provides with synthetically made immune system protein, a monoclonal antibody namely, tratuzumab.
The company's chief medical officer, Dr. Hal Barron, said in one of the statements that they currently had more than 25 antibody-drug conjugates while also saying that this approach would help with the delivery of more medications in future to defeat other type of cancers too. However, Genetech says that the cost attached would be very high and that a 10 month course therapy would cost as of $ 94,000. Genentech also assured FDA that it would help patients pay for it. People with no health insurance and people with lifetime limit provided to them by their insurance companies, could possibly qualify to get Kadcyla with no charge.
Lower side effect doesn't mean that the drug has no side-effects, it can cause damage to heart, lungs, and liver. And thus, it is not recommended in case of pregnancy.
Exposing the Truth about Tanning and the World's Most Common Cancer
It is official. Spring has sprung, bringing along with it spring fever. I can see it in my students' eyes. They are practically breaking out in hives itching to soak up the warm spring sun, despite the fact they are sitting in a class that discusses skin cancer prevention.
Alas, despite their instructor's desperate pleadings, these 20-something-year-old college students find it difficult, if not arduous, to forego their so-called "need to tan" that Hollywood constantly feeds and propagates. And while it is quite simply impossible for anyone to get a "safe tan" from tanning beds and other forms of ultraviolet radiation, there are several high-quality sunless tanning mousses that not only achieve that coveted bronze look, naturally, but also provide essential sun protection. Now my students, even my pageant girls, can have the best of both worlds.
They no longer have to walk into class with guilt-ridden faces knowing they have completely disregarded the very real dangers associated with using tanning beds. They are happy and healthy. And that makes me, the now dubbed "skin cancer crusader" happy, too.
Yet, despite the fact I am slowly replacing their love for tanning with a safe alternative-that of sunless tanning foams such as those developed and manufactured by Neostrata (which garnered the prestigious Gold Triangle Award from the American Academy of Dermatology in 2005), there remains a deeply pressing concern; a lingering question. How do we educators and advocates effectively tackle the culture of tanning, and thus significantly reduce the alarming increase in skin cancer incidence and mortality as a result of frequenting tanning salons?
Contrary to popular belief, the bottom-line is that there is no such thing as a "safe" tan. Any tan is damage to your skin. And that is a fact. The Indoor Tanning Association (ITA) would have the consumer-driven pop culture hold to the myth that tanning beds are safe, and are even a viable way of treating a variety of skin issues such as acne, or even Seasonal Affective Disorder. Such claims are false, even irresponsible and potentially deadly, and credible scientific research proves it. There is no way to achieve a safe, healthy tan from tanning beds or other sources of ultraviolet radiation.
Consider the following case-and-point.
The American Academy of Dermatology, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently conducted a lengthy and independent research study which sheds some light on this issue, thus proving valuable insight into a media-inundated industry wrought with misleading, confusing, and even erroneous claims about tanning. They discovered, through numerous surveys, that more than 61% of women 18 and older (and 69% of men) equate a tan with beauty and health (
Despite the fact that we know that there is no such thing as a safe tan, people still associate bronzed skin with beauty and health," said Dr. Darrel S. Rigel, clinical professor at New York University Medical Center. "What's even more surprising is that the survey showed that 62 % of men and women responded that they know someone who has or had skin cancer, which - depending on its location and severity - does nothing to improve your looks and can be very detrimental to your health."
Dr. Elizabeth Whitmore, who, like Dr. Rigel, is a member of the AAD, agrees. "People continue to invest both time and money into visiting tanning salons despite evidence which have found an increased incidence of melanoma-the deadliest form of skin cancer- in those who visit indoor tanning salons." Joyce Ayoub, director of public information at the Skin Cancer Foundation further attests to this fact. "There is a myth that people like to believe, but it is a myth; not fact. Any tan means damage to the skin."
Further illustrating this point is a study headed by a team of scientists and researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. These researchers discovered that the use of tanning beds and artificial tanning light sources-even just once, can, indeed, lead to molecular changes in the skin that may lead to cancer. "In comparing the effects of a teenager who was exposed for the first dose of tanning beds to multiple doses [... ] it is evident that there is damage sustained to the molecular structure of the skin even having only been exposed once," Whitmore says.
The researchers at Johns Hopkins, who conducted the study of 10 teenagers who were exposed to full-body tanning beds over a period of two weeks which, she says was similar to the routine "a teenager preparing for prom or for a tropical vacation" would undertake. The researched found that the subjects' skin and blood, (which was carefully analyzed both prior to the UV exposure and after the exposure) had two distinct markers that indicated molecular change.
Whitmore adds, "It's another indication that there is biologic activity and that there is cell damage when the skin is exposed to UV rays. This repair process can eventually fail to do its job completely or correctly causing the cells to replicate abnormally [...] this breakdown in the normal functioning of cells can lead to malignant cancer."
In actual fact, the AAD asserts that nearly 90% of skin carcinomas are a result of over-exposure to UV rays. Thusly, The Cancer Crusaders Organization ( randomly surveyed college-aged students (18-to-25), and found that nearly 100% reported to having used a tanning bed at least once in their lifetime.
After having been apprised of the risks and dangers associated with tanning, many were undeterred. "Not only does tanning help my acne, it helps me a lot during this time of year when there's a great deal of pressure with upcoming finals and during the stresses of the holidays," says Amanda Gusciano, a senior Brigham Young University. "Even though, I am aware of the dangers of tanning, there is still that temptation; I haven't stopped using tanning beds and I never use sunscreens."
The significance protecting your skin from the harmful affects of UV-B and UV-A rays goes almost without saying; however, I emphasize it emphatically to both my students and especially to my pageant contestants. UV-B and UV-A rays have varied affects on your skin, your immune system, and your body as a whole. UV-B irradiation disrupts the melanocytes, causing them to release the "redness" known as sunburn. Any change in the color of your skin as a result of over-exposure to the sun is damage to your skin, even if your skin tends to "tan" as opposed to burn.
All changes in the color of your skin as a result of UV exposure is the melanocytes in your skin (the cells responsible for pigmentation) trying to tell you that normal, healthy cells have been severely disrupted. Have you ever left basketball outside in the hot summer sun for a lengthy period of time? And after you retrieved the ball, you immediately notice that the elasticity of the ball is weakened-it feels "rubbery" and never quite "bounces back"? This is exactly what happens to your skin as a result of prolonged UV exposure. Both UV-B and UV-A rays have cumulative effects and coupled together can lead to melanoma skin cancer.
In sum, if you must heed the need to be golden, opt for sunless tanning mousses. There are quality dermatologically-approved sunless tanning mousses available that are reasonably priced, and will give you evenly distributed color, but will do it without the harmful affects of UV-rays. Now you can have the best of both worlds- good looks and good health.
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Related Cancer Articles
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Find an Effective Solution for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is among many types of cancers people suffer from. Cancer of breast depends predominantly on the estrogen -- the hormone responsible for developing female sexual and reproductive qualities. It is important to act immediately on finding a lump on your breast. Consult a medical professional for expert advice. Taking proper medication is essential in fighting the condition.
How Does Arimidex Work?
Breast cancer in postmenopausal women is caused by estrogen, as breast cancer is responsive to this hormone. As a result, the growth of tumor is detected. The tumor has receptors on the external surface of its cells into which estrogen fits. When this link is made, the tumor turns into cancer.
Arimidex 1mg works by inhibiting aromatase -- the enzymes that make estrogen. This reduces the amount of the female hormone in the body. Once the production of estrogen is decreased, the growth of breast cancer is slowed down. This treatment is known as hormonal therapy. The use of Arimidex for treatment of breast cancer is for postmenopausal women only. The medication is taken for a total of five years for effective results.
Side-effects to Expect
You may experience certain side-effects that you must report to your oncologist or prescriber as early as possible. Some of these include problematic breathing, leg swelling and/or pain, vaginal bleeding, vomiting, and other unusual symptoms. Other consequences that do not necessitate medical attention unless they insist are throat infection, headache, loss of appetite, bone pain, stomachache, weight gain, dizziness, and excessive sweating.
Before taking Arimidex 1mg, you must discuss with your healthcare expert regarding your medical background as well as current medical routine. Supplementary medicines, herbal products, and non-prescription drugs need to be disclosed. Phytoestrogens, estrogens found in plants, may be unsafe for use.
Buy the Medication Online
Arimidex 1mg can be easily purchased online from a trusted medical supplier. When the medicine needs to be taken for the next 5 years, it is certainly going to be costly. You can certainly beat the price by purchasing it online at a discounted rate. Many Canadian-based internet pharmacies retail medical drugs at a much lesser price than in the US. You can also conveniently and confidentially buy Arimidex 1mg since you don't have to deal with anyone in person. It is extremely important that the online seller is reputable in the industry.
Arimidex 1mg is certainly a more preferred alternative to chemotherapy. It is one of the most powerful drugs around as it fights breast cancer. It is highly advisable that you do not attempt to consume the medicine without the knowledge of a qualified oncologist. With proper supervision and support from your loved ones, you are sure to witness a noticeable improvement in your condition.
Danial Sophia Loren is skilled author of Health Care Industry and writes articles on online arimidex 1mg and arimidex 1mg for breast cancer in canada.Treat cancer disease with effective healing techniques (Clinton_Cerejo)
Various types of cancer treatment methods which are used in different cancer care clinics are following:
Surgery is the most common type of treatment for the different types of cancer disease which is generally advised to the patients who have strong immune system. This treatment is administered according to the location and type of the tumor. Surgery may have different types according to the cancer diseases. For instance, for breast cancer treatment Lumpectomy, Mastectomy and Lymph node removal are used where as for lung cancer Pneumonectomy, Lobectom and segmentectomy are used.
This therapy is also effective for various types of cancer ailments. In this type of treatment, high-energy rays are targeted to destroy the cancerous cells. Radiation beams directly target the tumor and stop the division of malignant cells. This method is either carried out by external beam therapy or internal beam therapy, depending upon the location and type of the tumor.
In this method, medicines are given to the patients in several cycles. Medicines can be injected in vein or taken by mouth. Chemotherapy is used after the surgery or before the surgery to cure the patients in an effective way. Some of the anti cancer drugs are recommended to the patients that either kill the cancerous cells or stop the division of the malignant cells. Patients can face some side effects after this treatment like loss of hair, nausea, fatigueless, weakness and other health problems.
Hormone therapy
This therapy is a highly effective for various types of cancer diseases which is also referred as 'anti-hormone therapy'. The treatment is used to block the hormone which stimulates the growth of cancerous cells.
It has also been successful for the various types of cancer diseases. In this technique, the malignant parts are cooled to a very low temperature. And the frozen parts are killed with the help of liquid nitrogen.
The cancer disease is usually treated in the world class cancer care clinic around the globe. Patients take advice from expert oncologists and medical specialist to lead a normal life.
Clinton Cerejo is an expert commentator, allied with health related services for many years. His valuable insights and deep understating for health care services have helped people in a number of ways. His research based article Cancer Treatment is worth to reading. For more information, visit